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What exactly happened on October 7, 2023?

On October 7, 2023, thousands of Hamas terrorists breached Israel’s security fence and committed crimes against humanity.

  • Over 1,200 men, women, and children were murdered in the brutal attack.

  • More than 240 were kidnapped to Gaza.

Members of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades parade in Gaza.

As of June 6, 2024:

  • 1,563 Israelis have been killed (Mainly civilians) since October 7, 2023

  • There are 124 hostages currently held in Gaza

  • 16,093 Israelis wounded

  • About 200,000 Israelis have been internally displaced from their homes (from Israel's north and southern border); Some have moved in with friends, relatives others have moved into hotels with little-to-no personal belongings



Rockets launched by Hamas:

  • Since 2005, Hamas and other terrorist groups in Gaza have launched over 20,000 rockets and mortars at Israel

  • From May 10-20, 2024, Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups indiscriminately fired more than 4,400 rockets at Israeli population centers

  • Hamas also used drones, submarines and anti-tank missies to target Israelis

Hamas' reign of terror:

  • Since 2005, Hamas has constructed over 300 miles of underground tunnels inside of Gaza which lead into Israel and Egypt

Why Did Hamas Attack Israel?

Hamas' reign of terror:

  • Since 2005, Hamas has constructed over 300 miles of underground tunnels inside of Gaza which lead into Israel and Egypt

Who Is Responsible for Palestinian Suffering in Gaza?

Hamas' reign of terror:

  • Since 2005, Hamas has constructed over 300 miles of underground tunnels inside of Gaza which lead into Israel and Egypt

Does Israel Control
or Occupy Gaza?

Hamas' reign of terror:

  • Since 2005, Hamas has constructed over 300 miles of underground tunnels inside of Gaza which lead into Israel and Egypt

Is Israel Actively Committing Genocide of Palestinians?

Hamas' reign of terror:

  • Since 2005, Hamas has constructed over 300 miles of underground tunnels inside of Gaza which lead into Israel and Egypt


Graphic images. Viewer discretion is advised.

10.7.2024 Website


The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

How do we know which narrative to believe in a hot bed of lies and blood libels against Israel and the Jews? Here are 10 misconceptions people often have about the Jewish State.

Why isn't there a Palestinian State?

Ever wonder why Arabs from region of Israel and the near east are often called "Palestinians"? Why do they remain a stateless people? David Brog brilliantly enlightens us on this subject through Prager University.

Why are there still Palestinian Refugees?

Why are the great-great-grandchildren of Arab (Palestinian) people considered "Refugees" to this day? Does any other ethnic group or people share in this unending status as refugees? Are Jews who were expelled from Arab/Muslim Lands considered "refugees"? Dumisani Washington brings the truth about these claims here.

Born to Hate Jews

Why do so many people hate the Jews? Is this hate carnal or spiritual? Kasim Hafeez shares his incredible story of how his eyes were opened when traveling to Israel his first time as an angry, hateful Pakistani Muslim.

Why does the US spend money on Israel?

Gen. Chuck Wald, former Deputy Commander of the US/European Command, shares how supporting Israel only benefits the United States. Israel's security should remain a priority for all free and democratic nations.

The truth about the West Bank

What is the West Bank? What is Judea? What is Samaria?
Why should I care? Danny Ayalon, former Israeli Foreign Ambassador to the US, educates us on Israel's geography and historical claims to the Land of Israel.

Israel and Apartheid

Is Israel an "Apartheid State"? What does "Apartheid" mean? Are Jews and Arabs segregated by race in Israel? Rev. Kenneth Meshoe, a South African evangelist, politician and teacher shares his real experience with South African apartheid and how these claims against Israel are false.

Christian Journalist Busts Myths about Israel

Christian Journalist takes a life-changing trip to the Holy Land only to have a reality check there. As usual, a trip to Israel will open your eyes to the truth of Israel's open arms for peace with its neighbors, both near and far.

Son of Hamas, Mosab Hassan Yousef's Story

Mosab Hassan Yousef is a Palestinian who worked undercover for Israel's internal security service Shin Bet from 1997 to 2007. Shin Bet, Israel's security service, considered him its most valuable source within the Hamas leadership.

Son of Hamas, Mosab Hassan Yousef (2023)

Mosab Hassan Yousef delivers moving speech at the United Naitons in 2023, following Gaza's indiscriminate murder of Israelis on October 7, 2023.

Yosef Haddad, Israeli-Arab, IDF Veteran,
Friend of Israel

Yoseph Haddad an Arab-Israeli advocacy activist for Israel. As part of his advocacy, he works as a journalist, a social activist in Arab-Israeli society, social media influencer, and CEO of the 'Together – Vouch for Each Other' association that works to connect the Arab-Israeli society to the broader Israeli society.

Yahya Mahamid, Israeli-Arab, IDF Veteran

Yahya Mahamid is an exceptional Arab-Israeli. He's an IDF reservist and fights for Israel utilizing a different kind of weapon - his voice.

Hillel Neuer at the UN

Hillel C. Neuer is a Canadian-born international lawyer, writer, and the executive director of UN Watch, a human rights NGO and UN watchdog group based in Geneva, Switzerland. Neuer is the founding chairman of Geneva Summit for Human Rights and Democracy, a coalition of 25 NGOs from around the world.

Khaled Abu Toameh: No One Who Knows Hamas Is Surprised by Hamas (2023)

Khaled Abu Toameh - Awarding-winning Israeli-Arab journalist, lecturer, and documentary filmmaker discusses the true motives of Hamas, Fatah, Palestine Islamic Jihad and the Palestinian Authoritiy (PLO). Khaled often states that he feels more safe in the Palestinian controlled cities in Israel than he does at American Ivy League and prestigious universities and college campuses.

"Israel is not committing war crimes" - International Lawyer (2023)

Natasha Hausdorff is a barrister in London and a Director of UK Lawyers for Israel. She holds law degrees from Oxford and Tel Aviv Universities and was a Fellow in the National Security Law Programme at Columbia Law School.

Brigitte Gabriel: Israel Saved Us in Lebanon (2023)

Brigitte Gabriel is a Lebanese-American conservative activist, author and lecturer, and critic of Islam. She is the founder of ACT for America, which has been described as "the largest grassroots anti-Muslim group" in the United States.

Israel Defense Forces: Operation Good Neighbor for Our Syrian Neighbors (2014)

Operation Good Neighbor is a mission of compassion for those in need and of hope for a better, more secure border between Israel and Syria. While carrying out Operation Good Neighbor, the IDF has had the honor of meeting their neighbors and hearing their stories.

Israel's Save A Child's Heart is Actively Providing Life Saving Surgeries for Children Of Despite Gender, Age, Religion, Ethnicity, and Race.

For 25 years Save a Child's Heart has provided hope to children all over the world. This year, we reflect on where we came from and look forward to a future where every child has access to life-saving cardiac care. Share their story. Join their mission:


The Hope Series: Theodor Herzl

Theodor Herzl is considered the "Father of Zionism". Zionism is the belief that Jews should have a homeland in the Biblically mandated Land of Israel.

The Hope Series: Buying the Holy Land

In the mid-nineteenth century, the area labeled by Rome as "Palestine" was marked by disease, poverty and despair. But that all changed when Jewish pioneers legally purchased, settled and developed the land of Israel.

The Hope Series: Eliezer Ben Yehuda

A young Jewish man has a vision that led to a life-long obsession to revive Hebrew as a spoken language.

The Hope Series: David Ben Gurion

Israel's founder and first Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion, learned the stories of the Bible as a child at his grandfather's knee; this love for the Bible would shape Ben-Gurion's views throughout his life.

The Hope Series: Golda Meir

Golda Meir went from being a schoolteacher in Wisconsin to the first female Prime Minister of Israel.

The Hope Series: Independence Day

Take a close-up look at the little-known events that took place on the day the Jewish State of Israel was born - May 14, 1948.



Our desire if for you to know the truth about Israel. Why? The truth will set you free!

Join us in praying for the Peace of Jerusalem and Israel!

May Jesus (Yeshua), the Messiah, miraculously change the hearts of Israelis and Arabs for His Glory!

Israeli Flag Waving
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